When products need to be returned, manufacturers ask customers to complete return forms to ensure an orderly process. But obtaining the right forms from the manufacturer and manually filling them out according to specifications is typically a time-consuming task.

Returning products is much simpler with the asset administration shell. This is the product's digital twin and contains all the relevant information. It eliminates the need for lengthy research into which forms are required and the tedious completion of information.

If a return is scheduled, the shipment can be initiated quickly and easily via the instance asset administration shell in the R. STAHL platform by simply scanning the QR code on the digital nameplate (according to IEC 61406). Within the manufacturer cloud, the product information is automatically transferred to a saved return form, a digital copy of which is then made available. In addition, all the contact details for registered users are pre-filled. Service technicians need only provide the reason for the return as well as the safety certificate. Returning a product has never been so quick or easy.