Ex pharmaceutical industry R. STAHL

Automation Solutions

Faster, more flexible and more economic: Modular Production in hazardous areas

Future-proof "way and time to market": innovative process modules, also known as package units, increase efficiency in automated production and reduce the way to market now and in the future. 

Package units are an answer to present and future challenges. Flexibility in production, globally standardised production methods as well as on-time, fast implementation must be ensured at all times. This enables us to quickly react to volatile and individual customer requirements, in order to position new products on the market at short notice. 


Ex Dechema Modular Plants Automation R. STAHL

Dechema White Paper

Working closely with industry

reasearch institutes, the ProcessNet study

Modular Systems has produced a

comprehensive document for improved

modularity of system technology.

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System Solutions for Hazardous Areas


The requirements for machine and system providers are increasing alongside the development of innovative solutions for modular production. Their field of expertise is more specific, focusing on the professional design of individual modules or parts of a system for the application for which they are intended. Moreover, modular solutions can also be found in hazardous areas. When designing an automated process module, the various aspects of explosion protection processes must be taken into account. 

R. STAHL's product range includes not only a great variety of explosion-protected products, but also process modules that fully meet the requirements of your systems in hazardous areas: compact, easy to integrate and easy to connect. They are tailor-made for your processes, and you can rest assured that they will fulfil all explosion protection standards. 

Our automation solutions not only make use of classic Ex d and Ex p technology, but can also be realised using our new EXpressure technology. A patented, stainless-steel mesh system makes the EXpressure enclosures extremely light, flexible, and easy to retrofit. With these enclosures, practically any type of automation technology can be easily installed in hazardous areas. For more information, click here.

R. STAHL can support you in modular package units, you will find out in this brochure.

Process Industry 4.0 and MTPs

The MTP (Module Type Package) is the core of modular production. Modular automation enables particularly fast and efficient engineering of individual modules in process and automation technology. Based on the MTP concept, which gives the individual modules a digital description, the modules can then be interconnected non-proprietary and flexibly via the orchestration system. The Remote I/O system is the ideal solution for the automation of module production units in hazardous areas.

Ex Modular Plants R. STAHL

MTP - The age of modular production

Now you can see the video here
Ex Automation Remote IO Overview

Remote I/O

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